Head & Heart Evo Devo-Lab
PI: Janine M. Ziermann-Canabarro
July 2021: promoted to Tenured Associate Professor @Howard University College of Medicine
March 2021: Webinar/Host: NEXTCLINIC IVF Zentren Prof Zech – Bregenz, Austria. MedImpulse: Title ‚Cardiopharyngeal Syndromes in Humans - Syndrome in Anbetracht der Entwicklungsgeschichte von Herz- und Kopfmuskulatur‘
February 2021: Ziermann JM. ‘Fascinating insights into head muscle development and evolution in vertebrates’. Keynote speaker at Simposio Brasileiro de Morfologia Comparada de Vertebrados, University of Brasilia, Brazil. Online Event.
August 2020: While preparing for a fully online teaching semester, I submitted my tenure package (Aug 3, 2020). The set up of the NSF grant to study Gbx2 hypomorph mice and their head and heart development is done. Now we have to figure out how to move the mice into HUCM- but COVID-19 slows everything down. Better safe than sorry.
July 2020: Kristen McPike successfully defended her Master thesis! Congratulations! She will continue in my Lab as PhD Student.
July 2020: NSF HBCU-EiR Grant Awarded: https://grantome.com/grant/NSF/IOS-2000005;

2020-6-5: An Untold Story: The Important Contributions of Muslim Scholars for the Understanding of Human Anatomy
by Malak A. Alghamdi, Janine M. Ziermann, Rui Diogo
It is usually assumed that Galen is one of the fathers of anatomy and that between the Corpus Galenicum and the Renaissance there was no major advance in anatomical knowledge. However, it is also consensually accepted that Muslim scholars had the intellectual leadership from the 8th/9th to 13th centuries, and that they made remarkable progresses in numerous scientific fields including medicine. So, how is it possible that they did not contribute to advance human anatomy during that period? According to the dominant view Muslim scholars exclusively had a passive role: their transmission of knowledge from the Greeks to the West. Here we summarize, for the first time in a single paper, the studies of major Muslim scholars that published on human anatomy before Vesalius. https://muslimheritage.com/understanding-of-human-anatomy/
2019-11-30: I will be one of the keynote speakers at the 'Simpósio de Morfologia Comparada de Vertebrados' in Brasilia, Brazil, in May 2019: https://www.simorf2020.com.br/ > POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 > done Feb 2021
2019-4-29: Talk in Belem, Brazil
2019-4-24: Talk in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2019-1-3: I'm now on the Advisory board of the Zoologischer Anzeiger: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/zoologischer-anzeiger/editorial-board
2018-8-31: Finished measuring my new Lab > Update Aug 17, 2020. Never got the lab. > Update Nov 2020: got another lab (4th in 8 years, let's hope it stays with me now for a while)
2018: Featured article (Ziermann et al. 2018 J Morph) on DICE CT webpage:
2015: New Anatomy Lab Opens at Howard https://magazine.howard.edu/categories/campus-news/new-anatomy-lab-opens-howard