Head & Heart Evo Devo-Lab
PI: Janine M. Ziermann-Canabarro
Human Anatomy, Variations, Development, and Pathology
3. Human Anatomy, Variations, Development, and Pathology
The human anatomy is fascinating and each human has enough variations in its normal morphology that it makes him/her unique. Understanding the difference between normal variations and pathological changes is important for many health care related professions (e.g., surgery, occupational therapy, physical therapy).
Anatomy of a female human fetus with skeletal and organ malformations
Project description: We analyze the anatomy of a female human fetus (approximately 30-32 weeks old; donated in the 1980s for research). Our aims are to describe in detail the malformation of the thoracic and abdominal organs as well as any abnormalities of the musculoskeletal anatomy. We use descriptions of the normal development, as well as case studies to link our observed malformations with a possible causes for the fetuses' abnormalities. Specifically, we want to analyze if the observed craniofacial and cardiac abnormalities are correlated with developmental defects related to the cardiopharyngeal field, a mesodermal field that gives rise to branchiomeric and cardiac musculature. This part is also important as it contributes to our understanding of congenital defects in humans which often comprise cardiac and craniofacial anomalies.
2019-2020: Bosung Titanji - graduate student (Master of Anatomy), HUCM, Dept. Anat., year 2020
Analyses of thoracic and abdominal organs
2019-2020: Taylor Spann - medical student HUCM, Year 2021
Analyses of the musculoskeletal anatomy
Co-investigator: Dr. Rui Diogo, Dept. Anat., HUCM